Search results

Military Protection of the Santa Fe Trail and Trade
Soldier and Brave:  Indian and Military Affairs in the Trans-Mississippi West, Including a Guide to Historic Sites and Landmarks
Map of Santa Fe Trace From Independence to the Crossing of the Arkansas
Mexican War
Early-Day Fort Leavenworth, Missouri:  Selected Scenes, Episodes and Facts of This Western Outpost from Its Founding to the Mexican War
Documents:  A Journal of the Santa Fe Trail
Documents:  A Journal of the Santa Fe Trail
Boom Times For Freighting on the Santa Fe Trail, 1848-1866
The Army's Attempts at Freighting During the Mexican War, 1846-1848
Captain Ford's Journal of an Expedition to the Rocky Mountains
As the Wheel Turns: The Evolution of Freighting on the Santa Fe Trail, an Introduction
SC15-8 Mrs. J. O. Williams Collection Finding Aid