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H. Roe Bartle
Death Closes Busy Life of Mrs. Bartle
Broadway Bridge Dedication
Broadway Bridge Dedication
Southeast Trafficway Dedication
Mayor H. Roe Bartle
Open a Viaduct between Cities: Mayors Take Part in Ceremony at Twenty-third Street Span
H. Roe Bartle, Les Milgram, and Others
H. Roe Bartle, Les Milgram at SCBA Luncheon
H. Roe Bartle At Podium
H. Roe Bartle, Les Milgram, and Others
H. Roe Bartle, Les Milgram, and Others
Les Milgram
44th Anniversary Inaugural Dinner Dance
H. Roe Bartle
39th Anniversary Inaugural Dinner Dance
H. Roe Bartle
H. Roe Bartle
H. Roe Bartle and Others
Prominent Kansas Citians
