Autochromes - Frank Lauder Collection

Iris and Roses
Iris and Roses
Roses by Driveway of A. E. Mosier
Coster Spruce Trees by Entrance Road
Driveway and Court of E. C. Winters
Lilacs by William H. Scarritt's Driveway
House and Motor Entrance of Fred Wolferman
Hyacinths and Driveway of M. B. Nelson
Hyacinths and Driveway of M. B. Nelson
Road Entrance of Martha D. Shields
Road Entrance of Albert R. Jones
House of Dr. Logan Clendening
Road Entrance to Mark J. Morrin's Residence
Hyacinths and Driveway of M. B. Nelson
House and Motor Entrance of Fred Wolferman
Driveway of Dr. Sam E. Roberts