Autochromes - Frank Lauder Collection


Longview Farm Flower Garden
Iris Flowers at Longview Farm
The Walnuts Gardens
Rock Garden & Rills of E. W. Goebel
The Walnuts Gardens
The Walnuts Gardens
Rock Garden & Rills of E. W. Goebel
Rock Garden Pool in Reinisch Rose Gardens
House and Garden of Dr. Sam E. Roberts
Rose Garden and Terrace of Don A. Davis
Garden of Herman Schulte
Garden of George H. Chaplin
Japanese Garden at the Kansas City Art Institute
Pools and Gardens of Dr. Sam E. Roberts
The Walnuts Gardens
Minnie Long Sloan with a Coster Spruce Tree
The Walnuts Gardens
East Pool and Garden of Dr. Sam E. Roberts
Garden of J. C. Nichols
Rock Garden and Pool of Louis L. Seibel
