Postcards (Mrs. Sam Ray)


The Improved Genuine Alaska Down Bustles
Boat Landing at Foot of Main Street, Kansas City, Mo.
Main Street Building: John Taylor Dry Goods Co.
Main Entrance at Night to Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo.
Linwood Boulevard Christian Church
Electric Park (2nd), Lake
William T. Fitzsimons Fountain
City Hospital
Priests of Pallas, Flight of the Hours
Coaching Party, Yellowstone Park
Terminal Building at Kansas City's Municipal Airport
Forest Park, Kansas City, Mo.
Admiral Boulevard, looking west from Charlotte
154 - Bathing Beach, Fairmount Park, Kansas City, Mo.
Southwestern Milling Company
Penn Valley Park
1908 Flood, 1st Street and Kansas Avenue
Electric Park (2nd), Flower Beds
Masonic Temple
Kansas City-Smithville Race Track
