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Kansas City Club Building (Second)
Southwest High School Yearbook - The Sachem
Marshall High School Yearbook - The Mar-Saline
Stein Furniture and Carpet Co. City Directory Entry
Horner Institute
Northeast High School Yearbook - The Noreaster
James E. Nugent
The Barstow School Yearbook - The Weather-Cock
East High School Yearbook - The Eastonian
Manual High School Yearbook - The Nautilius
Paseo High School Yearbook - Paseon
Central High School Yearbook - The Centralian
Westport High School Yearbook - The Herald
Lincoln High School Yearbook - The Lincolnian
Berton Roueché
Grand Avenue Temple and Office Building
Sharp Building
Isis Theater
Political Rally for Alfred E. Smith and Joe Robinson
Democratic National Convention
