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Northeast High School Yearbook - The Noreaster
Van Horn High School Yearbook -The Falcon
A Tribute to George W. Lehr
Central High School Yearbook - The Centralian
Paseo High School Yearbook - Paseon
East High School Yearbook - The Eastonian
Park Hill High School Yearbook - Troyian
Raytown High School Yearbook - The Ramizzou
Lee's Summit High School Yearbook - The Reflector
Southwest High School Yearbook - The Sachem
National Register of Historic Places, 1966-1988
What Do You Say to That?
Roanoke Court Apartments
Roanoke Court Apartments
Roanoke Court Apartments
Roanoke Court Apartments
Roanoke Court Apartments
Roanoke Court Apartments
Bonfils Building
Lucile Bluford
