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Spruce Tree, Hyacinths, and Tulips
Ada B. Seibel with Regal Lilies
Stone Wall, Stump, and Iris by the Road Entrance of Isaac P. Ryland
Municipal Rose Garden
Bird Bath at Municipal Rose Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Browning Fellers with a Polygonum Vine
House and Rock Garden of Dr. Ernest F. Robinson
Tulips and House of T. H. Mastin
Garden of Andrew S. Barada
B'nai Jehudah Temple
Swimming Pool in Gillham Park
Tennis Courts in Gillham Park
Nelson Gallery of Art
Casting Pool in Gillham Park
House of A. L. Gustin
The Walnuts Gardens
Nelson Gallery of Art
House of Dr. Don Carlos Guffey
House of Belknap C. Hawkes and Alice Hawkes
The Walnuts Gardens
