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Seth E. Ward Residence
3932 Central Street
Seth E. Ward Residence
Seth E. Ward Residence
Seth E. Ward Residence
Seth E. Ward Residence
House of C. W. Larabee
House of H. A. Fowler
Garden of Dr. Solon E. Haynes
Charles M. Howell's Home Entrance
House Portal & Paul's Scarlet Climber
House of Edward E. Carpenter
Spruce Tree, Hyacinths, and Tulips
Mr. and Mrs. Browning Fellers with a Polygonum Vine
House and Rock Garden of Dr. Ernest F. Robinson
Tulips and House of T. H. Mastin
Garden of Andrew S. Barada
3900 Block of Wyandotte
Nathan Scarritt Residence
Nathan Scarritt Residence
