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Emery, Bird, Thayer Building
Emery, Bird, Thayer Building, Street Level
Emery, Bird, Thayer Building
Sanborn Map, Kansas City, Vol. 3, 1909-1957, Page p302
Lloyd and Thomas, Dry Goods and Notions
Lloyd and Thomas, Dry Goods and Notions
Gentry's Dollar Store
Karges and Cartwright Dry Goods Co.
Bernheimer Bros. and Co.
Bernheimer Bros. and Co.
Boutin's Department House
Lloyd and Thomas, Dry Goods and Notions
Gentry Dollar Store
Karges and Cartwright Dry Goods Co.
William E. Emery Is Dead
George B. Peck Dry Goods Company Building
George B. Peck Dry Goods
The Individualist:  An Autobiography by J. Logan Jones
George Peck
