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Fountain and Summer House at The Walnuts
Garden Fountain of J. C. Nichols
Fountain, by Mrs. J. B. Clough
Fountain and Summer House at The Walnuts
Fountain and Sculpture by the Missouri State Capitol
Fountain at Alameda Road and Wyandotte Street
Fountain at Alameda Road and Central Street
Fountain on Brookside Boulevard at 52nd Street
Fountain at Meyer Circle
Bechtel's Crab Tree, Fountain, and Iris Flowers of Grant I. Rosenzweig
Lillie A. Jones in Tudor Garden
Tulips, Lilacs, and Fountain of Henry J. Haskell
Tudor Fountain and Lotus Pool
Women at the Country Club Plaza Fiesta
Fountain and Garden of George S. Carkener
Summer House at The Walnuts
Fountain and Summer House at The Walnuts
Fountain and Summer House at The Walnuts
Fountain on Edgevale Road at 69th Street
Fountain at Meyer Circle
