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Peet Bros. Mfg. Co.
Children in Classroom of an Unidentified School
Teacher and Children in Classroom of an Unidentified School
Children in Classroom of an Unidentified School
Kansas City Baby Carriage Co.
Oviatt Shoe Store, The
E. M. Clendening & Co.
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
Children Walking in Brush Creek
Willows Children
Willows Nurses and Infants
Guadalupe School
Hawthorn Trees in Bloom by Indian Lane
Small Child with Easter Bunny Statue
Small Child with Easter Bunny Statue
Children in Jacob L. Loose Memorial Park Wading Pool
Children in Arbor Villa Pool
Madonna Lilies and Marilyn Moreland
Children in the Garden of James Neal Foster and Sadie Ross Foster
