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Northeast Statue of Sculptures at Tomakawk Road and Ensley Lane
Scout Statue
Banjo Pool by Harriet Frishmuth
Pioneer Mother Statue
Sante Fe Trail Monument
"Chinese Orchestra" at Mission Drive and Indian Lane
Banjo Pool by Harriet Frishmuth
Garden Fountain of J. C. Nichols
Small Child with Easter Bunny Statue
Small Child with Easter Bunny Statue
Pool Sculpture by Wallace Rosenbauer
"Boy & Goat" Sculpture by Genrignani
Scout Statue
Thomas H. Swope Mausoleum
Alfred Benjamin Memorial
Fountain and Sculpture by the Missouri State Capitol
Venus Sculpture and Pool of J. C. Nichols
Fountain at Alameda Road and Wyandotte Street
Fountain at Alameda Road and Central Street
Scout Statue
